Asahi 的 飯店價格資訊



」的住宿及訂房資訊 (目前位於10/21頁)





  1. Asahi Capsule & Sauna

    • 神戶灣區, 神戸, 日本, 652-0811
    • ... 詳情
  2. 朝日汽車旅館

    • 519-26, Bujeon 2-dong, Busanjin-gu, 西面, 釜山, 韓國, 614-030
    • 位於西面的朝日汽車旅館是您旅遊探索釜山和其周邊地區的最佳選擇。 離市中心僅有,旅客可以盡情享受市區內的迷人風景。 住宿位置優越讓旅客前往市區內的熱門景點變得方便快捷。 相信朝日汽車旅館的周到服務和一流設施會讓您此行終生難忘。 住宿的主要設施有所有房型皆附免費WiFi, 每日客房清潔服務, 代客叫車服務, 24小時前台服務, 可寄放行李。 所有客房都有提供周到的設施,以確保無與倫比的舒適感。 除此之外,住宿的各種娛樂設施一定會讓您在留宿期間享受更多樂趣。 朝日汽車旅館地理位置優越,能為客人提供一流服務。... 詳情
  3. 旭日旅館

    • 900-0014 沖繩, 那霸, Matsuo 2-6-16, 日本
    • Asahi Guest House旅館距離Kokusai大街僅有3分鐘的步行路程,提供帶蒲團床的簡約風格日式住宿,並配備了共用廚房、休息區和免費網絡終端。 Guest House Asahi旅館的客房均配有共用浴室和吹風機。 該旅館距離Miebashi單軌列車站有10分鐘步行路程,距離首里城(Shuri Castle)和那霸國際機場(Naha International Airport)均有20分鐘車程。客人還可以租用自行車輕鬆而愜意地遊覽那霸市。 旅館設有投幣式洗衣機,客人亦可免費使用帶冰箱、微波爐和電熱水壺的廚房。旅館提供免費寬帶網絡連接。... 詳情
  4. Iyashi no Yado Asahi <Ishigakijima>

    • 257-3, Fukai, Ishigaki City, Okinawa 907-0451, Japan
    • Situated against a backdrop of a mountain with a fall and the sea in front, we urge families and groups to come and enjoy the starry sky at our tranquil and soothing accommodation.... 詳情
  5. asahi Luxstayr4 Royal City2br Apartment

    • Nguyễn Trãi, Thanh Xuan, 200000 河內, 越南
    • asahi Luxstayr4 Royal City2br Apartment坐落于河内,配备免费WiFi、空调、花园和露台,距离Vincom Center Nguyen Chi Thanh购物中心有2.4公里,距离河内文庙有3.6公里。这家住宿享有池景,提供阳台。 这家公寓提供2间卧室、带微波炉和冰箱的厨房、电视、休息区以及2间浴室。 这家公寓距离Vietnam Fine Arts Museum有3.8公里,距离One Pillar Pagoda有4.1公里。最近的机场是内排国际机场,距离asahi Luxstayr4 Royal City2br Apartment有24公里。... 詳情
  6. 【朝日樓】

    • 香川縣高松藤塚町3-13
    • [免費停車場☆私人包房! ] ■帶停車位的私人房間!推薦給有快遞的家庭和人們! ■對於一樓或停車場,您可以自由進出。開車旅行非常方便。 ■從河原町站,您可以輕鬆前往偏遠島嶼,琴平宮和八島那都的觀光景點! ■免費的WiFi連接■完全保留的設施。房間有一個專用的淋浴間,衛生間和洗手間。 ■面積為57平方英尺的1LDK有系統廚房! ■房間中裝有電子refrigerator,冰箱,洗衣機和吸塵器。此外,還提供簡單的炊具,因此建議過夜的人使用。 ■清潔■專業的清潔公司■我正在打掃房間,所以給您打掃房間。... 詳情
  7. 高松的1臥室獨棟住宅 - 57平方公尺/1間專用衛浴

    • 高松, 高松, 日本
    • - The room is on the second floor, and the first floor is a parking lot. - The bed is 2 semi double beds, 3 bedding sets. - A maximum of 5 people can stay. (Up to 2 additional guests) - Amenity such as towel and shampoo, rinse, body soap, disposable toothbrush, pajamas are substantial. - We have washing machine and laundry detergent in dressing room and can use for free. - The toilet is a toilet seat with a cleaning function. - The kitchen is a 3-unit IH heater system kitchen. - Electric kettle, microwave and refrigerator are also available free of charge. All rooms are available. However, there is a warehouse for staff in the room. Please do not open it as it stores fixtures and sheets. Host does not live. It will be a completely private space. Check in and check out at the front desk of the nearby Chisun Grand Takamatsu. [Chisun Grand Takamatsu] 11-1 Fukudacho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture ※ There is also a luggage storage service. Please use the front desk of the hotel. - We do not put food such as seasoning and cooking oil on hygiene relations. Please note.... 詳情
  8. 朝日癒之宿飯店

    • 257-3 Fukai, 石垣, 日本
    • 此度假屋位於石垣,開車 15 分鐘即可抵達川平灣和米原海灘。服務櫃台在指定時間設有諮詢人員。飯店內附設免費自助停車。... 詳情
  9. 札幌金汤亭酒店(Asahi Group)

    • 5-7-7, 2-Jo, Misumai, Minami-Ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido 061-2262, Japan
    • We offer rooms that include spacious bathtub with jaccuzi types of which each differs from other rooms so that you can leisurely relax.... 詳情
  10. 大阪鹤桥亭酒店(Asahi Group)

    • 3-3-24, Tsuruhashi, Ikuno-Ku, Osaka City, Osaka 544-0031, Japan
    • Located 5 minutes on foot from Tsuruhashi station, which provides convenient access to JR, subway and Kintetsu lines, it is a guest house complete with shower and toilet in each room to offer easiness for even solo travelers.... 詳情
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