兵庫 的 飯店價格資訊



」的住宿及訂房資訊 (目前位於50/137頁)





  1. 神戶Harborland La Suite飯店

    • 兵庫縣神戶市中央區波止場町7-2
    • 70間客房,每間都是海景房並附帶有陽台的寬敞房間。浴室也附帶有浴缸可以使用。 帶點豪華歐式摩登風格客房。讓你享受最頂級的住宿品質。... 詳情
  2. Tanoshic Resort Nishikiso

    • 122-1, Ochikata, Sasayama-Shi, Hyogo, 669-2704, Japan
    • We are located within the abundant nature of Tanba Sasayama. Unwind in our strong salinic natural hot springs and enjoy our seasonal cuisine.... 詳情
  3. 有馬溫泉 御幸莊花結

    • 兵庫縣神戶市北區有馬町1740-12
    • 為了表現日本四季之花、能夠讓遊客舒心度過在這裏的時光。員工們將真心款待各位遊客、珍惜與遊客之間的交流。可通過一年感受春夏秋冬、享受日式的風情及料理。不僅客房幽香飄然著表現四季的變化、各種精挑細選的應季的食材也令人賞心悅目,味道鮮美。此旅館是個是有花的幽香飄然,能享受正統料理的旅館。以及有馬溫泉是個擁有日本三大名泉、日本三大古溫泉、日本三大藥泉等衆多稱號的溫泉一定不會辜負您的期待。至各位的有馬之旅、以花來結緣。" ◆從6種類型的枕頭中選取您喜歡的類型。"... 詳情
  4. 濱富

    • 157-3, Takenocho Takeno, Toyoka-Shi, Hyogo, 669-6201, Japan
    • We take great care in preparing and serving our fresh seafood, which comes from the rough waters of the Sea of Japan. In the summer you can enjoy swimming in the sea and in the winter you can enjoy eating Matsubagani (crab).... 詳情
  5. 和之香風旅館 佐田助

    • 634, Kasumiku Shimonohama, Kami-Cho Mikata-Gun, Hyogo, 669-6564, Japan
    • The knowledgeable owner carefully selects fresh crab and seafood, which has been unloaded at Kasumi Port, and these are then used to prepare food for guests. Our hot spring hotel is proud to offer cuisine that is prepared with local ingredients.... 詳情
  6. 絲綢溫泉 山彥酒店

    • 兵庫縣豐岡市但東町正法寺165
    • 泉質溫和滋潤,泡湯後肌膚柔嫩,舒適暢快。敬請享用時令山珍海味的美食料理,以及本館自豪的溫泉設施,悠閒度過美好的假期。備有Wi-Fi網路。... 詳情
  7. HERTZ膳食公寓

    • 100, Higashihamacho, Ako-Shi, Hyogo, 678-0222, Japan
    • We prepare enough fresh seafood from the Seto Inland Sea so that we can ask guests to eat their fill. We have also prepared guest rooms in which pets are allowed to stay.... 詳情
  8. 月本屋旅館

    • 兵庫縣豐岡市城崎町湯島710
    • 旅館雖然位於溫泉街的中央住宿環境卻非常安靜的純和式風格的建築。每月更改料理菜單,以滿足重複住宿嘉賓的需求。... 詳情
  9. ONE HOSTEL Himeji

    • 99-1, Nikai-Machi, Himeji City, Hyogo 670-0922, Japan
    • Located in good old Nikaimachi shopping district and at a 5 minute walk from Himeji castle and Himeji station, it is launch of a newly built guest house that offers on-site bar in August, 2018.... 詳情
  10. 淡路島 Chariot 北斗七星 135° 大飯店

    • 2425-2, Kusumoto, Awaji City, Hyogo 656-2301, Japan
    • Situated on a starry hill at the 135th meridian East, where wind blows up, it is a glamping facility that serves authentic Japanese cuisine using meticulously chosen original local ingredients.... 詳情
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