太平區 的 飯店價格資訊



」的住宿及訂房資訊 (目前位於29/32頁)





  1. 台南市的1臥室公寓 - 30平方公尺/1間專用衛浴

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • 是由老屋建築 改造的住宅,設計 保留了老屋的特色,結合原木色調及簡單生活意象,編織出新舊中和的樣貌。基礎價格1位.第二位以上每人加$350/晚.選取實際入住人數系統會自動計算價格座落在台南歷史核心 中西區、接近熱鬧的孔廟商圈和小吃街、提供如同到朋友家,溫馨、舒適的住宅空間,交通非常便利,四通八達,散步可到林百貨,遊孔廟,乘車火車站3分鐘,中西區吃美食7分鐘,安平15分鐘.1. 進房時間:P.M. 3:00 後 ;可以先寄放行李2. 退房時間:A.M. 11:00 前,若未於時間內準時退房者-將收取延遲費 每半小時台幣150元(超過A.M. 11:20 即收費)退房後,平日可免費寄放行李至晚上6:00可聯絡管家預約!謝謝採自助式報到,下午三點後,24小時皆可入住-Self-reported, 24-hour check-in提供出租專屬停車位一部 NT$200/天(車位有限須事先告知預訂)、亦可自行尋找路邊停車格,或附近一帶公民營 (衛民街、環安、府城)停車場。另Warm welcome!Located in a popular and central district, within walking distance to:Tainan Train Station for 15min walkingConfucius Temple Shen-nong street for the history of 'Old Port'Hayashi department 5 min by walk to the nearest bus stop. -3 min by taxi to Railway station(you can transfer to Tainan HSR station) or coach station.The apartment has elevator, restroom is inside your apartment. we offer towel and free wifi in the apartment. Only a group of guests will rent this space will not be another group received.We're not offer clean up while living 2 days up. if you need help during the stay you can contact house assistant.Please don't smoke inside.Please don't be too loud at night.When you leave the house, please turn off the air conditioner and the lights.Please check out by AM11:00 o'clock.... 詳情
  2. 台南|little O 小甌|台南火車站三分鐘|高樓層景觀套房

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • We use comfortable and clean pillow quilt and mattress in our bedroom. The whole environment is green and earth friendly to apply our guest a wonderful stay and enjoyable experience.... 詳情
  3. 台南小洋房

    • 台南中西區武德街22號
    • 預訂台南小洋房可享 Genius 折扣!只要登入,預訂此住宿即可省一筆。 The Little Villa Tainan 位在台南,設有花園和露台,距離台南孔廟 700 公尺,距離赤崁樓 1.2 公里,距離興達港情人碼頭 18 公里。這間民宿提供免費私人停車位、共用休息室和 WiFi(免費)。 這間民宿享有園景,設有衛星頻道平面電視、空調、座位區、書桌和 2 間衛浴。 The Little Villa Tainan 附近的人氣景點包括延平郡王祠、國立台灣文學館和台南南門假日花市。最近的機場是台南機場,距離這間住宿 5 公里。... 詳情
  4. 貓頭鷹旅館

    • 開山路 93 號, 台南, 台灣
    • 貓頭鷹旅館位於台南 (台南市中心),開車 5 分鐘即可抵達赤崁樓和孔廟。飯店精心提供行李寄存以及洗衣設施。... 詳情
  5. 阿肥在家

    • 台南中西區開山路122巷42號
    • A Fat At Home 位於台南,有 WiFi(免費)、空調和共用休息室,距離台南孔廟 500 公尺,距離赤崁樓 1.5 公里。這間住宿享有市景,距離興達港情人碼頭 17 公里,距離延平郡王祠 300 公尺。 這間民宿設有有線頻道平面電視。 A Fat At Home 附近的人氣景點包括台南南門假日花市、國立台灣文學館和國立臺南大學。最近的機場是台南機場,距離這間住宿 4 公里。... 詳情
  6. Da Nan Man Homestay

    • No. 4, Lane 120, Nanning Street, 台南市, 台南市, 台灣, 700
    • Da Nan Man Homestay為商務和休閒旅遊遊客而設計,位於得天獨厚的台南市地區,是本市最受歡迎的住宿選擇之一。 在這裡,旅客可輕鬆前往市區內各大旅遊、購物、餐飲地點。 住宿位置優越讓旅客前往市區內的熱門景點變得方便快捷。 Da Nan Man Homestay提供多種多樣的設施,令您在台南市期間的旅程更豐富。 入住期間,客人可享受可寄放行李, 公共區域WiFi, 送餐服務, 機場接送, 家庭房。 所有客房都有提供周到的設施,以確保無與倫比的舒適感。 住宿的娛樂設施豐富多樣,包括花園等。 一流的設施與得天獨厚的地理位置都讓Da Nan Man Homestay成為台南市旅遊時的最佳住宿選擇。... 詳情
  7. WOODS near train station and Confucius temple

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • Warm welcome!Located in a popular and central district, within walking distance to:Tainan Train Station for 15min walkingConfucius Temple Shen-nong street for the history of 'Old Port'Hayashi department 5 min by walk to the nearest bus stop. -3 min by taxi to Railway station(you can transfer to Tainan HSR station) or coach station.The apartment has elevator, restroom is inside your apartment. There is kitchen(induction cooker, microwave) and terrace.we offer towel, free wifi and washing machine in the apartment. Only a group of guests will rent this space will not be another group received.We're not offer clean up while living 2 days up. if you need help during the stay you can contact house assistant.・Please don't smoke inside.・Please don't be too loud at night.・When you leave the house, please turn off the air conditioner and the lights.・Please check out by AM11:00 o'clock.... 詳情
  8. H2O near Train Station, Confucius Temple

    • 台南市, 台南市, 台灣
    • Warm welcome!Located in a popular and central district, within walking distance to:Tainan Train Station for 15min walkingConfucius Temple Shen-nong street for the history of 'Old Port'Hayashi department 5 min by walk to the nearest bus stop. -3 min by taxi to Railway station(you can transfer to Tainan HSR station) or coach station.The apartment has elevator, restroom is inside your apartment. Kitchen and washing machine.we offer towel and free wifi in the apartment. Only a group of guests will rent this space will not be another group received.We're not offer clean up while living 2 days up. if you need help during the stay you can contact house assistant.・Please don't smoke inside.・Please don't be too loud at night.・When you leave the house, please turn off the air conditioner and the lights.・Please check out by AM11:00 o'clock.... 詳情
  9. A house near train station and Confucius temple

    • 179 Section 1, Minquan Road, 7F, 台南市, 台南市, 台灣, 700
    • ... 詳情
  10. 台南南惰旅宿

    • 臺灣 台南 中西區大同路一段46巷 20號
    • ... 詳情
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